Visiting any healthcare provider can be an intimidating and uncomfortable experience. We understand this and aim to help lessen the stress by providing great tips to navigate the appointment process. Whether you’re seeking medical attention for yourself or a family member, it’s important to be prepared and proactive. By writing down important information, such as symptoms and medication details, you can ensure that nothing is overlooked during your visit. Remember, being honest and open with your provider is crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, don’t hesitate to utilize the office personnel and medical assistants as valuable resources for information and support. Your active participation and advanced preparation are key steps in becoming a partner in your healthcare. Our physicians welcome and encourage your involvement in your care.

The following simple tips will help you make the most of your doctor visit:

Appointment Setting Tips for you or your child’s visit:

After you have completed the New Patient Registration, you will receive a phone call within 1-2 business days from the New Patient Coordinator to set your first appointment.
The New Patient Coordinator will ask questions pertaining to your first appointment, from what symptoms you’re experiencing to what medications you’re currently taking. All of this is to have a clear understanding of what you would like to address at the first appointment.
Make sure to pick a day and time that you will be able to make. It’s always a good idea to show up at least 20 minutes early to your first appointment so you are able to complete any additional forms. Please, wear loose comfortable clothing to provide the provider access to the area of concern.

Before the First Appointment:

  • if possible try to obtain and send our office the previous results if available, or you may also complete a medical records release form so that we can request the records on your behalf.
  • Prepare a list of questions for your provider.
  • Prepare a list of all medications and dosages, including over-the-counter, as well as any drug allergies.

Day of your Appointment:

  • Bring your ID and insurance card unless you are self-pay.
  • Arrive at least 20 minutes early to finish completing any additional forms.
  • Call ahead if you are running late. We do allow a 15-minute grace period, but please be aware that if you arrive late, your wait may be longer. We will do all we can to accommodate your appointment and minimize the need to reschedule.
  • If you need to cancel or reschedule, we do ask that you give a 24-hour notice so we are able to offer the appointment time to another patient.

During your Appointment:

  • Answer any questions the provider has as accurately and honestly as possible.
  • Review your list of questions with the provider.
  • Ask any questions that may come up during your visit.
  • Be sure to write down or ask for written instructions to help understand the provider’s care instructions.

After your Appointment:

  • Make sure you receive your prescription and understand the medication instructions.
  • Checkout at the front desk and schedule your next appointment if needed.
  • We hope these few tips help you get the most out of your first and all future appointments!